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Niyati Ram


Artist Statement

My work in the arts mark key points or periods in my life, a candid moment in time preserved by the capsule of film, acting, or writing. While learning Bharatanatyam, Indian Classical Dance, I found my love of being on stage and performing, which compelled me to pursue theatre. In my acting, singing, dancing, and designing, I incorporate my culture in order for my art to reflect my authentic experience. Being an Asian American, I strongly believe in representing but not stereotyping diversity.

I believe that art is something that unites people beyond the boundaries of age, race, gender, religion. With an interest in both science and the arts, I plan to emphasize the fusion of the two. I believe that both theatre and science are timeless, so merging the two allows for a more complex and nuanced understanding of the world around us. I am passionate about environmental issues and film, so I admire documentaries, which use filmmaking to spread awareness about important topics.

A central theme is my desire to share stories. I see a reflection of myself in almost every character in a play or on the screen, drawing me towards creating film and theatre. I share my art to share my unique experience, my love for the arts being lifelong.

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